Interface | Description |
ArraySortedAssert<SELF extends ArraySortedAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Assertions applicable to primitive arrays or arrays of elements either naturally
Comparable or according to a given
Comparator . |
Assert<SELF extends Assert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL> |
Base contract of all assertion objects: the minimum functionality that any assertion object should provide.
AssertDelegateTarget |
A marker interface that can be used to wrap your assertion within assertThat method for better readability.
AssertFactory<T,ASSERT> |
A single method factory interface to create an
Assert class for a given type. |
AssertionInfo |
Information about an assertion.
AssertJProxySetup |
Interface implemented by all proxies and serves as a type safe setter.
AssertProvider<A> |
Provides a
Assert for the current object. |
ComparableAssert<SELF extends ComparableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends Comparable<? super ACTUAL>> |
Assertion methods applicable to
s. |
Descriptable<SELF> |
An object that has a description.
EnumerableAssert<SELF extends EnumerableAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Assertions applicable to groups of values that can be enumerated (e.g.
ExtensionPoints<SELF extends ExtensionPoints<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL> |
Mechanism for extending assertion classes.
FloatingPointNumberAssert<SELF extends FloatingPointNumberAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends Number> |
Assertion methods applicable to floating-point
s. |
IndexedObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends IndexedObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Assertions methods applicable to indexed groups of objects (e.g.
NumberAssert<SELF extends NumberAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends Number> |
Assertion methods applicable to
s. |
ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF extends ObjectEnumerableAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Assertions methods applicable to groups of objects (e.g.
ThrowableAssert.ThrowingCallable | |
WithAssertions |
A unified entry point to all non-deprecated assertions from both the new Java 8 core API and the pre-Java 8 core API.
WithAssumptions |
A unified entry point to all assumptions from both the new Java 8 core API and the pre-Java 8 core API.
Class | Description |
AbstractArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractArrayAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT>,ACTUAL,ELEMENT> |
Base class for all array assertions.
AbstractAssert<SELF extends AbstractAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL> |
Base class for all assertions.
AbstractAtomicFieldUpdaterAssert<SELF extends AbstractAtomicFieldUpdaterAssert<SELF,VALUE,ATOMIC,OBJECT>,VALUE,ATOMIC,OBJECT> |
Base class for all fieldupdater assertions.
AbstractAtomicReferenceAssert<SELF extends AbstractAtomicReferenceAssert<SELF,VALUE,ATOMIC>,VALUE,ATOMIC> |
Base class for atomic assertions.
AbstractBDDSoftAssertions | |
AbstractBigDecimalAssert<SELF extends AbstractBigDecimalAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
BigDecimal s. |
AbstractBigIntegerAssert<SELF extends AbstractBigIntegerAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
BigInteger s. |
AbstractBooleanArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractBooleanArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractBooleanAssert<SELF extends AbstractBooleanAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Boolean s. |
AbstractByteArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractByteArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractByteAssert<SELF extends AbstractByteAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Byte s. |
AbstractCharacterAssert<SELF extends AbstractCharacterAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Character s. |
AbstractCharArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractCharArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractCharSequenceAssert<SELF extends AbstractCharSequenceAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends CharSequence> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
CharSequence s. |
AbstractClassAssert<SELF extends AbstractClassAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Class es. |
AbstractComparableAssert<SELF extends AbstractComparableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends Comparable<? super ACTUAL>> |
Base class for all implementations of
. |
AbstractCompletableFutureAssert<SELF extends AbstractCompletableFutureAssert<SELF,RESULT>,RESULT> |
Assertions for
CompletableFuture . |
AbstractDateAssert<SELF extends AbstractDateAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Date s. |
AbstractDoubleArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractDoubleArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractDoubleAssert<SELF extends AbstractDoubleAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Double s. |
AbstractEnumerableAssert<SELF extends AbstractEnumerableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT>,ACTUAL,ELEMENT> |
Base implementation for Enumerable class assertions.
AbstractFileAssert<SELF extends AbstractFileAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
File s. |
AbstractFloatArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractFloatArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractFloatAssert<SELF extends AbstractFloatAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Float s. |
AbstractFutureAssert<SELF extends AbstractFutureAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,RESULT>,ACTUAL extends Future<RESULT>,RESULT> | |
AbstractInputStreamAssert<SELF extends AbstractInputStreamAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends InputStream> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
InputStream s. |
AbstractInstantAssert<SELF extends AbstractInstantAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
Instant type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractIntArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractIntArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractIntegerAssert<SELF extends AbstractIntegerAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Integer s. |
AbstractIterableAssert<SELF extends AbstractIterableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends Iterable<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Base class for implementations of
whose actual value type is
. |
AbstractIterableSizeAssert<SELF extends AbstractIterableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends Iterable<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> | |
AbstractIteratorAssert<SELF extends AbstractIteratorAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Iterator s. |
AbstractListAssert<SELF extends AbstractListAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends List<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
List s. |
AbstractLocalDateAssert<SELF extends AbstractLocalDateAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
LocalDate type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractLocalDateTimeAssert<SELF extends AbstractLocalDateTimeAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
LocalDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractLocalTimeAssert<SELF extends AbstractLocalTimeAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
LocalTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractLongArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractLongArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractLongAssert<SELF extends AbstractLongAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Long s. |
AbstractMapAssert<SELF extends AbstractMapAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,K,V>,ACTUAL extends Map<K,V>,K,V> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Map s. |
AbstractMapSizeAssert<SELF extends AbstractMapAssert<SELF,A,KEY,VALUE>,A extends Map<KEY,VALUE>,KEY,VALUE> | |
AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF,ELEMENT>,ELEMENT> |
Assertion methods for arrays of objects.
AbstractObjectAssert<SELF extends AbstractObjectAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Object s. |
AbstractOffsetDateTimeAssert<SELF extends AbstractOffsetDateTimeAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
OffsetDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractOffsetTimeAssert<SELF extends AbstractOffsetTimeAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
OffsetTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
AbstractOptionalAssert<SELF extends AbstractOptionalAssert<SELF,VALUE>,VALUE> |
Assertions for
Optional . |
AbstractOptionalDoubleAssert<SELF extends AbstractOptionalDoubleAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
OptionalDouble . |
AbstractOptionalIntAssert<SELF extends AbstractOptionalIntAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
OptionalInt . |
AbstractOptionalLongAssert<SELF extends AbstractOptionalLongAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
OptionalLong . |
AbstractPathAssert<SELF extends AbstractPathAssert<SELF>> |
Assertions for
Path objects |
AbstractPredicateAssert<SELF extends AbstractPredicateAssert<SELF,T>,T> |
Assertions for
Predicate . |
AbstractShortArrayAssert<SELF extends AbstractShortArrayAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractShortAssert<SELF extends AbstractShortAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Short s. |
AbstractSoftAssertions | |
AbstractStandardSoftAssertions | |
AbstractStringAssert<SELF extends AbstractStringAssert<SELF>> | |
AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF extends AbstractTemporalAssert<SELF,TEMPORAL>,TEMPORAL extends Temporal> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Temporal s. |
AbstractThrowableAssert<SELF extends AbstractThrowableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL>,ACTUAL extends Throwable> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
Throwable s. |
AbstractUriAssert<SELF extends AbstractUriAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
URI s. |
AbstractUrlAssert<SELF extends AbstractUrlAssert<SELF>> |
Base class for all implementations of assertions for
URL s. |
AbstractZonedDateTimeAssert<SELF extends AbstractZonedDateTimeAssert<SELF>> | |
Assertions |
Entry point for assertion methods for different types.
AssertionsForClassTypes |
Java 8 is picky when choosing the right
assertThat method if the object under test is generic and bounded,
for example if foo is instance of T that extends Exception, java 8 will complain that it can't resolve
the proper assertThat method (normally assertThat(Throwable) as foo might implement an interface like List,
if that occurred assertThat(List) would also be a possible choice - thus confusing java 8. |
AssertionsForInterfaceTypes |
Entry point for assertion methods for different data types.
Assumptions |
Entry point for assumption methods for different types, which allow to skip test execution on failed assumptions.
AtomicBooleanAssert | |
AtomicIntegerArrayAssert | |
AtomicIntegerAssert | |
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdaterAssert<OBJECT> |
Assertion methods for
AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater s. |
AtomicLongArrayAssert | |
AtomicLongAssert | |
AtomicLongFieldUpdaterAssert<OBJECT> |
Assertion methods for
AtomicLongFieldUpdater s. |
AtomicMarkableReferenceAssert<VALUE> |
Assertion methods for
AtomicMarkableReference s. |
AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> | |
AtomicReferenceAssert<V> | |
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdaterAssert<FIELD,OBJECT> |
Assertion methods for
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater s. |
AtomicStampedReferenceAssert<VALUE> |
Assertion methods for
AtomicStampedReference s. |
AutoCloseableBDDSoftAssertions |
A version of
BDDSoftAssertions that uses try-with-resources statement to automatically call
BDDSoftAssertions.assertAll() so that you don't forget to. |
AutoCloseableSoftAssertions |
A version of
SoftAssertions that uses try-with-resources statement to automatically call
SoftAssertions.assertAll() so that you don't forget to. |
BDDAssertions |
Behavior-driven development style entry point for assertion methods for different types.
BDDSoftAssertions |
Suppose we have a test case and in it we'd like to make numerous BDD assertions.
BigDecimalAssert |
Assertion methods for
BigDecimal s. |
BigIntegerAssert |
Assertion methods for
BigInteger s. |
BooleanArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
boolean s. |
BooleanAssert |
Assertion methods for
Boolean s. |
ByteArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
byte s. |
ByteAssert |
Assertion methods for
Byte s. |
CharacterAssert |
Assertion methods for
Character s. |
CharArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
char s. |
CharSequenceAssert |
Assertion methods for
CharSequence s. |
ClassAssert |
Assertion methods for
Class es. |
ClassBasedNavigableIterableAssert<SELF extends ClassBasedNavigableIterableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends Iterable<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Build the Assert instance by reflection.
ClassBasedNavigableListAssert<SELF extends ClassBasedNavigableListAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends List<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Build the Assert instance by reflection.
ComparatorFactory | |
CompletableFutureAssert<RESULT> |
Assertions for
CompletableFuture . |
Condition<T> |
A condition to be met by an object.
DateAssert |
Assertions for
Date s. |
DoubleArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
double s. |
DoubleAssert |
Assertion methods for
Double s. |
DoublePredicateAssert |
Assertions for
Predicate . |
ErrorCollector |
Collects error messages of all AssertionErrors thrown by the proxied method.
FactoryBasedNavigableIterableAssert<SELF extends FactoryBasedNavigableIterableAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends Iterable<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Provides helper methods for navigating a list property in a generated assertion class so we can chain assertions
through deeply nested models more easily.
FactoryBasedNavigableListAssert<SELF extends FactoryBasedNavigableListAssert<SELF,ACTUAL,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT>,ACTUAL extends List<? extends ELEMENT>,ELEMENT,ELEMENT_ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<ELEMENT_ASSERT,ELEMENT>> |
Provides helper methods for navigating a list property in a generated assertion class so we can chain assertions
through deeply nested models more easily.
Fail |
Common failures.
FileAssert |
Assertion methods for
File s. |
FloatArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
float s. |
FloatAssert |
Assertion methods for floats.
FutureAssert<RESULT> |
Assertion methods for
Future . |
GenericComparableAssert<ACTUAL extends Comparable<? super ACTUAL>> |
Concrete generic
to be used through Assertions.assertThat(java.lang.Comparable) . |
HamcrestCondition<T> |
Allows to use a Hamcrest matcher as a condition.
InputStreamAssert |
Assertion methods for
InputStream s. |
InstantAssert |
Assertion methods for
Instant s. |
IntArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
int s. |
IntegerAssert |
Assertion methods for
Integer s. |
IntPredicateAssert |
Assertions for
Predicate . |
IterableAssert<ELEMENT> |
Assertion methods for
Iterable . |
IterableSizeAssert<T> | |
IteratorAssert<ELEMENT> |
Assertion methods for
Iterator . |
Java6AbstractBDDSoftAssertions |
AbstractBDDSoftAssertions compatible with Android.
Java6AbstractStandardSoftAssertions |
AbstractStandardSoftAssertions compatible with Android.
Java6Assertions |
Assertions compatible with Android.
Java6BDDAssertions |
Android-compatible BDD-style assertions duplicated from
BDDAssertions . |
Java6BDDSoftAssertions |
BDD-style Android-compatible soft assertions.
Java6JUnitBDDSoftAssertions |
Duplicate of
JUnitBDDSoftAssertions compatible with Android. |
Java6JUnitSoftAssertions |
JUnitSoftAssertions rule compatible with Android.
Java6SoftAssertions |
Soft assertions compatible with Android.
JUnitBDDSoftAssertions |
Same as
SoftAssertions , but with the following differences: First, it's a junit rule, which can be used without having to call assertAll() ,
example: |
JUnitJupiterBDDSoftAssertions |
Same as
SoftAssertions , but with the following differences: First, it's a JUnit Jupiter extension, which can be used without having to call assertAll() , example: |
JUnitJupiterSoftAssertions |
Same as
SoftAssertions , but with the following differences: First, it's a JUnit Jupiter extension, which can be used without having to call assertAll() , example: |
JUnitSoftAssertions |
Same as
SoftAssertions , but with the following differences: First, it's a junit rule, which can be used without having to call assertAll() ,
example: |
ListAssert<ELEMENT> |
Assertion methods for
List s. |
LocalDateAssert | |
LocalDateTimeAssert | |
LocalTimeAssert | |
LongArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
long s. |
LongAssert |
Assertion methods for
Long s. |
LongPredicateAssert |
Assertions for
LongPredicate . |
MapAssert<KEY,VALUE> |
Assertions for
Map s. |
MapSizeAssert<KEY,VALUE> | |
ObjectArrayAssert<ELEMENT> |
Assertion methods for arrays of objects.
ObjectAssert<ACTUAL> |
Assertion methods for
Object s. |
ObjectAssertFactory<T> | |
OffsetDateTimeAssert | |
OffsetTimeAssert | |
OptionalAssert<VALUE> |
Assertions for
Optional . |
OptionalDoubleAssert |
Assertions for
OptionalDouble . |
OptionalIntAssert |
Assertions for
OptionalInt . |
OptionalLongAssert |
Assertions for
OptionalLong . |
PathAssert |
Assertion class for
Path s |
PredicateAssert<T> |
Assertions for
Predicate . |
ProxifyMethodChangingTheObjectUnderTest | |
ProxyableClassAssert |
Concrete assertions for
Class s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
ProxyableIterableAssert<ELEMENT> |
Concrete assertions for
Iterable s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
ProxyableListAssert<ELEMENT> |
Concrete assertions for
List s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
ProxyableMapAssert<KEY,VALUE> |
Concrete assertions for
Map s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
ProxyableObjectArrayAssert<ELEMENT> |
Concrete assertions for arrays of objects without any final methods to allow proxying.
ProxyableObjectAssert<ACTUAL> |
Concrete assertions for
Object s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
ProxyablePredicateAssert<T> |
Concrete assertions for
Predicate s without any final methods to allow proxying. |
RecursiveComparisonAssert<SELF extends RecursiveComparisonAssert<SELF>> | |
ShortArrayAssert |
Assertion methods for arrays of
short s. |
ShortAssert |
Assertion methods for
Short s. |
SoftAssertions |
Suppose we have a test case and in it we'd like to make numerous assertions.
StringAssert |
Assertion methods for
String s. |
ThrowableAssert |
Assertion methods for
Throwable s. |
ThrowableAssertAlternative<T extends Throwable> |
Assertion methods for
Throwable similar to ThrowableAssert but with assertions methods named
differently to make testing code fluent (ex : withMessage instead of hasMessage . |
ThrowableTypeAssert<T extends Throwable> |
Assertion class checking
Throwable type. |
UriAssert |
Assertion class for
URI s |
UrlAssert |
Assertion class for
URL s |
WritableAssertionInfo |
Writable information about an assertion.
ZonedDateTimeAssert |
Assertions for
ZonedDateTime type from new Date & Time API introduced in Java 8. |
Error | Description |
SoftAssertionError |
An AssertionError that contains the error messages of the one or more AssertionErrors that caused this exception to
be thrown.
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