Assertions provided by AssertJ can be extended by using conditions, to create a condition you just have to implement org.assertj.assertions.core.Condition and its unique method matches.
Once your Condition is created, you can use it with methods :
is(myCondition) or has(myCondition),
both verifying that the condition is met (hint: pick the one that makes your code more readable).
// jedi is a Condition
Conditions can be combined with :
You can verify that a Condition is met on elements of a collection, with the following methods:
Moreover all Condition related methods have their negation counterpart, is/isNot, have/doesNotHave, are/areNot, ...
The examples below are from assertj-examples and more specifically
Let's define two similar conditions : jedi and jediPower with the same implementation just to show that code readability is better when using jedi with is and jediPower with has.
import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;
static Set<String> JEDIS = newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Obiwan");
// implementation with Java 8 :)
Condition<String> jediPower = new Condition<>(JEDIS::contains, "jedi power");
// implementation with Java 7 :(
Condition<String> jedi = new Condition<String>("jedi") {
public boolean matches(String value) {
return JEDIS.contains(value);
An small example of is(Condition) and isNot(Condition) usage including an error message.
try {
// condition not verified to show the clean error message
} catch (AssertionError e) {
assertThat(e).hasMessage("expecting:<'Vader'> to be:<jedi>");
An small example of has(Condition) and doesNotHave(Condition) usage including an error message.
try {
// condition not verified to show the clean error message
} catch (AssertionError e) {
assertThat(e).hasMessage("expecting:<'Vader'> to have:<jedi power>");
It is possible to verify that a certain condition is met on iterable/array elements :
// import static org.assertj.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda")).are(jedi);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Leia", "Solo")).areNot(jedi);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda")).have(jediPower);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Leia", "Solo")).doNotHave(jediPower);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).areAtLeast(2, jedi);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).haveAtLeast(2, jediPower);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).areAtMost(2, jedi);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).haveAtMost(2, jediPower);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).areExactly(2, jedi);
assertThat(newLinkedHashSet("Luke", "Yoda", "Leia")).haveExactly(2, jediPower);
Condition can be combined with allOf(Condition...) (logical and) or anyOf(Condition...) (logical or).
assertThat("Vader").is(anyOf(jedi, sith));
assertThat("Solo").is(allOf(not(jedi), not(sith)));
where sith condition is defined as :
static Set<String> SITHS = newHashSet("Sidious", "Vader", "Plagueis");
Condition<String> sith = new Condition<>(SITHS::contains, "sith");