Input Simulation

AssertJ Swing uses an AWT Robot to generate user input. The AWT Robot is capable of generating native events, providing the most accurate simulation of an actual user. The Robot can move the mouse pointer and press keys just like a user would.

Simulating keyboard input

All AssertJ Swing fixtures can simulate user input using a keyboard. This simulation is not limited to send events to KeyListeners. AssertJ Swing provides true keyboard input, at the operating system level.

Pressing and releasing one or more keys

The method pressAndReleaseKeys(int...) can simulate a user pressing and releasing one or more keys. If more than one key code is passed as parameter, this method will simulate pressing a key, releasing it and then will process the next key code. Key codes are integers specified in java.awt.event.KeyEvent.

The following example shows how to simulate a user pressing the keys A, S, D, F while having focus on a text field with name username which is similar to typing asdf on that text field.

// import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;
dialog.textBox("username").pressAndReleaseKeys(VK_A, VK_S, VK_D, VK_F);

Simulating a user pressing the key F1 while having focus on a button with name configure would be

// import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;

Pressing a key, doing something else, and releasing the key

The methods pressKey(int) and releaseKey(int) can simulate a user pressing and releasing a key. Although it may sound similar to what the method pressAndReleaseKeys(int...) does, it is a bit different. The pressAndReleaseKeys(int...) simulates a user pressing a key and immediately releasing the same key. On the other hand, pressKey(int) and releaseKey(int) are two separate actions. They can be helpful when you want to simulate a case of press a key, do something else, and then release the key.

An example will illustrate this and give a better idea what these methods are good for. In the following code we're simulating clicking the left mouse button while having the Ctrl key pressed:

// import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;

You can even simplify this by using pressKeyWhileRunning(int, Runnable) which takes a Runnable to run between pressing and releasing keys:

// import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;
dialog.list("employees").pressKeyWhileRunning(VK_CONTROL, dialog.list("employees")::click);

Typing text

Often we just want to enter some text into a text field. Using pressAndReleaseKeys(int...) is unhandy for this purpose. The text component fixtures have a method enterText(String) to simplify entering text. The example from above, typing asdf into a text field then looks like


Simulating mouse clicks

All AssertJ Swing fixtures can simulate user input using a mouse. This simulation is not limited to send events to implementations of MouseListener. AssertJ Swing provides true mouse input, at the operating system level, too. For example, simulating a user moving the mouse will result in the mouse pointer moving to a specified location.

Simple click

The method click() can simulate a user clicking a component once, using the left mouse button. Let's see how to simulate a user clicking the button with name connect:


The following are alternative (and more verbose) ways to click a component once, using the left mouse button:

// import static org.assertj.swing.core.MouseButton.LEFT_BUTTON;

// import static org.assertj.swing.core.MouseClickInfo.leftButton;

Double click and right click

In addition to click() there are the methods doubleClick() (for double-clicking a component, using the left mouse button) and rightClick() (for clicking a component once, using the right mouse button).

Click using specific button, many times

Since there aren't only left and right mouse buttons and you may want to click more than twice, AssertJ Swing has the method click(MouseClickInfo) to allow such a functionality. With MouseClickInfo you can specify the mouse button and the amount of clicks.

How does that look like? We already used this method above. But let's see how you would make AssertJ Swing clicking three times the radio button with name monthly using the left mouse button:

// import static org.fest.swing.core.MouseClickInfo.leftButton;

Simulating Drag 'n Drop

AssertJ Swing supports simulation of drag 'n drop via the class ComponentDragAndDrop. This class supports drag 'n drop operations on screen coordinates and swing components. In addition, the following fixtures provide component-specific implementations of drag 'n drop, to simulate a user dragging 'n dropping on JList, JTable and JTree, respectively:

  1. JListFixture
  2. JTableFixture
  3. JTreeFixture
AssertJ Swing's drag 'n drop will effectively simulate a user pressing the left mouse button, moving the mouse to a particular location and releasing the mouse. However, it is up to you to implement drag 'n drop in your Swing components. To learn more about drag 'n drop, please visit Sun's Swing Tutorial.



The following example shows dragging the element Swing from the list source and dropping it in the list destination on the element AWT. Which might insert Swing before or after AWT, depending on the implementation of the TransferHandler used.



The following example shows dragging the content of the cell at row 3, column 0 from the table source and dropping it on the table destination at row 1, column 0.

// import static org.assertj.swing.fixture.TableCell.TableCellBuilder.row;


The following example shows dragging the node branch1.1 (in the path root/branch1) from the tree source and dropping it in the tree destination on the node root.

dialog.tree("source").drag(path("root", "branch1", "branch1.1"));

Simulating editing table cells

AssertJ Swing provides support for editing JTable cells as if a user was doing it. Out of the box JCheckBox, JComboBox and JTextField are supported as custom cell editors:

Screenshot of the sample table to test

There are many ways to simulate a user editing a JTable cell:


A JTableFixture provides the method enterValue(TableCell, String) which simulates a user entering the given value in the given cell, regardless of the underlying cell editor. Even though the value to enter is always a String, JTableFixture can figure out how to use the underlying cell editor.

The following code illustrates how to select the value Pool from the JComboBox in row 0, column 2 (see picture above).

JTableFixture table = dialog.table("data");
// import static;
table.enterValue(row(0).column(2), "Pool");

Here we are selecting the JCheckBox in row 1, column 4:

JTableFixture table = dialog.table("data");
// import static;
table.enterValue(row(1).column(4), "true");


A JTableCellFixture provides the method enterValue(String), which can also simulate a user editing a table cell, just like JTableFixture. The following code illustrates how to select the value Pool from the JComboBox in row 0, column 2:

JTableFixture table = dialog.table("data");
// import static;
JTableCellFixture cell = table.cell(row(0).column(2));

Here we are selecting the JCheckBox in row 1, column 4:

JTableFixture table = dialog.table("data");
// import static;
JTableCellFixture cell = table.cell(row(1).column(4));

Having more control of the cell editor

To have more control of the underlying cell editor, it is possible to wrap it with an implementation of ComponentFixture. The JTableCellFixture provides the method editor(), which returns the Component used as editor of a cell. JTableCellFixture also provides the methods startEditing, stopEditing and cancelEditing. The following example illustrates how to use them:

// import static;
TableCellFixture cell = table.cell(row(6).column(8));
Component editor = cell.editor();
// assume editor is a JTextField
JTextComponentFixture textBoxEditor = new JTextComponentFixture(robot, (JTextField)editor);

Custom cell editors

AssertJ Swing also supports custom cell editors. For more information, please read Custom Cell Editors.