Basics of AssertJ Swing

This section introduces the basics of AssertJ Swing to you. The basics are:

AssertJ Swing provides base test case classes that take care of most of the plumbing involved when writing a GUI test. This feature is available for TestNG via AssertJSwingTestngTestCase and for JUnit via AssertJSwingJUnitTestCase.

In general, the provided test classes do the following

  1. Install FailOnThreadViolationRepaintManager to check that all access to Swing components is performed in the EDT
  2. Create a new Robot, using a new component hierarchy
  3. Clean up resources (e.g. release the semaphore that ensures sequential test execution)
Do not create a new Robot!
When using a base test case, do not create a new Robot. The base test case creates one for you! If there is more than one Robot in your test, only the first one will have access to the screen, while the rest will block till they get the screen lock. A Robot can be created manually or indirectly using the constructors FrameFixture(Frame) or DialogFixture(Dialog). Please use the overloaded versions that take a Robot as parameter, passing the already created Robot (robot()).

To compare both scenarios (with and without using the base test cases), here is the example code from the getting started site. Without base test case:

public class SimpleCopyApplicationTest {
  private FrameFixture window;

  public static void setUpOnce() {

  public void setUp() {
    SimpleCopyApplication frame = GuiActionRunner.execute(() -> new SimpleCopyApplication());
    window = new FrameFixture(frame);; // shows the frame to test

  public void shouldCopyTextInLabelWhenClickingButton() {
    window.textBox("textToCopy").enterText("Some random text");
    window.label("copiedText").requireText("Some random text");

  public void tearDown() {

And the following is with using the base test case:

public class SimpleCopyApplication_UseBaseTest extends AssertJSwingJUnitTestCase {
  private FrameFixture window;

  protected void onSetUp() {
    SimpleCopyApplication frame = GuiActionRunner.execute(() -> new SimpleCopyApplication());
    // IMPORTANT: note the call to 'robot()'
    // we must use the Robot from AssertJSwingJUnitTestCase
    window = new FrameFixture(robot(), frame);; // shows the frame to test

  public void shouldCopyTextInLabelWhenClickingButton() {
    window.textBox("textToCopy").enterText("Some random text");
    window.label("copiedText").requireText("Some random text");

AssertJ Swing provides the class org.assertj.swing.core.Settings which holds the configurable properties. There are properties that can be modified at runtime. These options include scope of component look-ups, delays and timeouts for different actions, and many more.

For example to set the delay between generated events to 50 ms, you would write

Robot robot = BasicRobot.robotWithNewAwtHierarchy();

Each property has a default value which is provided by AssertJ Swing and can be found in the JavaDoc but these defaults can be changed. You can add a file called to the classpath. This file may contain key value pairs that the defaults provided byoverride AssertJ Swing.

If this is not enough one may also override specific properties via Java System Properties.

For example the default delay between generated events might be overridden with a file containing

org.assertj.swing.delay.between_events = 75

This might be overridden with the following additional parameter at startup


There are also properties that cannot be modified at runtime. These options can only be modified via a properties file. Or via a system property.

For more information about the available configuration settings (including defaults and valid values), see the Settings Javadoc.

AssertJ Swing allows you to check the state of the components via the component fixtures. Each fixture has different verification methods.

For example the JLabelFixture allows you to verify the state of a JLabel and therefore provides the following methods

label.requireToolTip("expected tooltip");

As you can see, the verification methods usually start with require. Therefore your IDE should support you finding all possible verification methods.

AssertJ Swing supports just functional GUI testing and therefore testing the behavior of a system. We don't provide a pixel verification tool.

Regardless whether wise men think font and color verification is part of functional GUI testing we allow you to do it! Whereas in general colors and fonts might not be part of the functionality, we can think of cases where the color and font are part of the functionality.

All component fixtures allow you to verify their color and font via a ColorFixture or a FontFixture. These verifications are accessed via the foreground(), background() and font() methods of a component fixture. Let's assume we want to check that a label shows black font on a blue background being bold:
